the story
As our lease ended in the summer of 2018, we found ourselves grasping at straws trying to find the perfect place to live. Every option was either out of our price range or felt all too comfortable.
Our first van was never meant to have the impact on us that it did. It began as a means to live more intentionally and save some money while still staying in Santa Barbara and keeping our jobs. We are outdoor-lovers and knew we would need to work out some kinks to be able to bring all our outdoor gear on the road. Somewhere in between build-weekends and after lots of encouragement from friends and strangers, we fell in love with the process of creating a functional and livable space with our own two hands, and that is where our name “A Mano” comes from.
Sole is super italian- she lived in Padova until she was 14, then moving to the States to go to high-school and has stayed for the waves, climbing, and lifestyle. Joey has southern italian roots and blood, and like any good Italian knows the value of artesanal made, high-quality things. “A mano” is italian for “made by hand”, which we feel well summarizes our work: quality, artesanal, and totally custom. Building campervans is just the professional side of our passion for woodworking. We tend to always have a project going, whether that’s a custom cheetah single-fin or making something for friends. This passion runs deep in our blood- Joey's dad began working with wood decades before A Mano, taking his first woodworking classes in high school and later passing on this skill to a tiny and inventive Joey. It’s Scott’s conceptual building know-how, experience with cabinet building, and love for a good challenge which has helped bring A Mano to life.

by hand
Every component of our vans are completely custom, allowing us the opportunity to refine design and improve efficiencies, which ultimately make our vans one-of-a-kind. We have learned that no detail is too small and vow to never overlook the tiny things that make a car feel like a home.
Our team never half-asses. Normally you will find us working on this website while driving down the 101 freeway, on party waves as far as the eye can see, jamming in our beloved woodshop, or on countless adventures whenever a time slot permits. Just know if you see any of these faces in your rear view mirror, you have friends near.

Sole Sarto
Sole is the woman behind the magic... and she's Italian. Hence, A Mano.

Joey Slade
Joseph is the man with the tools and the guns (finger guns that is).

Scott Slade
Head Craftsman
Father, mentor, craftman, and go-to problem solver. Always wins employee of the month.